SEO for medical lab: Case Study of Healthcare Business

Shadab lab is an ongoing project. So the statistics I am sharing in this article are before Jan 17, 2025. So quarterly I shared the updated stats and performance of the shadab lab with you.

This is the main image of seo for medical lab

With this case study, I am sharing with you an actionable plan that will help you increase the number of patients online from Google. It does not matter if you have a medical lab, hospital, or Pharmacy. This plan will work for your business. 

With 7 years of experience in SEO, I worked with many clients and businesses, which gained huge traffic from google. As well as I have 2 years of SEO experience in healthcare. So I know exactly which steps will leads your business to success on search engines. 

Steps For Healthcare site's seo

Steps that I use to rank medical sites: 

  1. Local Listing on GMB: GMB ( Google My Business) is a tool, that helps you to list your business on Google to target the audience of your nearby areas. 
  2. Setup your Website: If your business has a website, then it’s great. But if you don’t have one, you need to create your business website. 
  3. Perform keyword research: After making a website find the best relevant keywords for your business site. Keywords are those words or phrases. Which someone searches on Google. 
  4. Onpage SEO: The process of seo that we do on our website is called onpage seo like optimizing meta, content optimization, images optimization, etc. 
  5. Optimize the site with keywords: After finding keywords, implement those into the meta of your site ( Title, description, and tags) to target them. 
  6. Technical SEO: In technical SEO, we will work on our site’s technical parts like making sitemaps and robots.txt, optimizing website code, making our site load fast, etc. 
  7. Offpage SEO: In offpage SEO, we will work on branding, backlinks, and content marketing. Which helps our site to fast on search engines( Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc ). 

Case Study of Shadab Lab

These 7 steps that I was telling you If you follow these seven steps, your project will achieve massive Growth. Now let’s discuss our ongoing project ( Shadab Lab ). Here I don’t provide you steps that i was done on this project. Also, I am sharing some interesting stats, that I got last month. 

Must read: Roadmap for healthcare SEO

1. Setting up GMB for Local Traffic

After getting the project of Shadab lab, the first step was to set up GMB for local listing. Shadab lab is the laboratory, where they perform blood tests for diagnosis. 

it based in Kotla arab ali khan, A small town of Gujrat. That’s why GMB is important for Shadab Lab to target the nearby audience to gain more patients. 

Now Shadab Lab ranked on these keywords:

  1. labs in Kotla
  2. Lab in kotla arab ali khan
  3. Medical lab is Kotla
  4. Lab near me

Check yourself and tell me which position you will.

shadab lab gmb listing view in google my searching keywords like lab in kotla

Currently, shadab lab is ranked in the top three positions. These positions depend on what keywords people search for. But this ranking consistently increases the patients of in the lab. 

For example, These are the results of last month. 

  • 95 interactions in the last month

  • 26 calls were generated directly from the listing

  • 13 patients converted from these calls

  • Revenue: PKR 39,500 from these 13 patients

These results show a decent amount of growth by applying GMB in the Medical Lab business. 

How i know the exact Numbers:

I know the exact numbers, Because I am the CMO of Shadab Lab, and that’s why I have direct access to performance metrics. That is why I can share these precise statics with confidence. 

Stats of shadab lab gmb which show the 96 interaction and 26 calls

2. Setting the website and optimize it with seo

After GMB the second step was to create the Professional website of Shadab Lab. Once the site was created and live. We conduct onpage and technical SEO on it. 

What we did in technical and onpage:

  1. Optimizing the site for local keywords
  2. Enhancing metadata, images, and internal linking
  3. Improving page speed and code efficiency

But before onpage and technical SEO. we worked on keywords that were fit for this website to rank and get local traffic. 

This is the image of shadab lab website home page

3. Future Plan for Shadab Lab

For further growth and visibility, we have a plan to make content on this site about.

  1. Test Guides
  2. Health tips 
  3. Case studies

Also with articles, we will focus on making video content for social media like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

3 month old data of Google search console of shadab lab

Currently, the website does not gain much traffic due to some reasons. The first is local dependencies, as I say it’s a local lab based on kotla arab ali khan. A small town in district Gujrat, tehsil kharian. 

The second is no content on site. That’s why the website does not gain much search traffic. But we’re confident if our plan goes well, the site will experience significant growth in the coming months.

Final Thoughts

The Shadab Lab case study highlights the importance of GMB, SEO, and content creation for local medical businesses. 

By following the outlined steps, you can replicate this success for your healthcare business. Stay tuned for updates on this project as we continue to optimize and expand.

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